Are you a vegan? Do you consider yourself an environmentalist? If so, you may want to consider a vegan makeup brush set. While not everyone that adores animals feels the same way, many vegans do. That's why animal rights groups are holding Vegan Awareness Month every year. Did you know that some companies have taken it upon themselves to create "vegan" products for people who are in the movement? These are the kind of companies that feel that by labeling themselves "vegan" they can draw more business. But wait, don't veganism, and animal rights mean you have to stop using products that you enjoy? Not necessarily. You can still use them and look fabulous, just as you normally would. There are plenty of "vegan" products that are not cruel to animals. Many vegan products use plant-based ingredients like rice, nuts, seeds, and chia, which are not considered animal products. Some companies may even use a vegetarian symbol on their labels, to show ...